666,216 is the average number of hours that a man in the
United States can expect to live.
I’m approximately 52.5 years old. That means I’ve used up 460,212 of mine…should
I only be average. Which begs the
question: How do I want to use the last 206,004 hours of my
Of course, I hope to be above average. My personal goal is to live to be 100 years
and one day old. But, you just can’t
count on ‘beating the house.’ In fact,
there are a good number of people who fall short of the average. So, let’s just say I’ll be average. How do I want to spend those hours?
Maybe playing Candy Crush? Nope!
Maybe watching TV? Not anymore.
I don’t watch TV nearly as much as I used to, but let’s
examine that one. For conjecture sake…because
I’ll never figure this out exactly…let’s say that I’ve watched two hours a day
for the last 50 years. Some days/years
were much higher than others. That’s an
estimate, and it may be low because I used to watch A LOT of TV. But, okay…two hours a day for 50 years is
36,525 hours. Hmmm. I’ve wasted 1522 days sitting in front of the television. That’s over four years
sitting in front of an electronic brain-sucker.
That’s kind of staggering, if you think about it. And, my guess is most of us don’t.
Sit on a sofa...or, go see this? |
Now, don’t get me wrong.
I’m not opposed to relaxation or entertainment, and I’m not likely to
give up TV altogether. (I need my
Walking Dead fixes.) But, I can tell you,
as a guy who has likely crossed the halfway point, I want to be a lot more
mindful of how I use up those remaining hours.
I will no longer be donating them to mindlessness.
Frankly, I want to do something worthwhile with them.
I want to create. I
want to see beautiful and interesting places.
I want to worship with zeal. I
want to love deeper. I want to make a
difference in people’s lives.

Whether he will meet or exceed the average life-span of the
US male is very hard to say right now.
The next week will tell. But, I
can tell you, he has already made more of a difference than most of us ever
So, I’m going to make some commitments right now. I had already put Candy Crush in a coma in my
world. (Whoever created that game should
be…well, I won’t say…it wouldn’t be nice.)
I am now declaring it ‘dead to me.’
I’d put Words with Friends on hiatus.
That hiatus is now permanent. TV
has been skimmed way down, and will stay that way.
I am going to look forward to my next 206,002 hours with
much more intensity. I will use them
with a great deal more intentionality.
(I just gave a couple of them to you.)
And, I will renew my dedication to serving my God.
Now, a question for you…how are you going to use the hours
you have left?