Monday, December 31, 2012

Ten Changes in 2013

Ten Changes in 2013

I’m not big on “resolutions” because it seems like rules are just made to be broken.  Therefore, I’m going to make some “Changes in 2013.”  Some things either I am going to do differently, or some things I hope to influence to go in a new direction.  These are in no particular order.

1.       A New Weight-Loss Trend—I started going down in the two weeks leading up to Christmas, but that all stopped when my girls got home from college.  However, after the holidays end, I’m back on the losing trend.

2.       Renewed-Bible Study Focus—Like almost anyone else, I get off track.  It’s time to get back into the studies for my personal spiritual development, and so I can have some creative things to write about.

3.       A Tighter Fiscal Belt—My belt was already tight, but with congress jacking around with taxes and increased healthcare costs (What happened to the great savings from Obama-care?), things are going to be even closer to the line in 2013.

4.       A Greater Physical Activity Level—I just got my left Achilles Tendon repaired proactively and pre-rupture.  This should make me able to be much more physically active in 2013.  I still have some active accomplishments on my bucket list.  (Can you say “14er”, anyone?)

5.       Better Organization—Don’t let my boss see my office!!!!  Seriously, I do need to sort, file, and straighten both my work materials and my personal papers.  I plan to devote some serious time to getting this done in 2013.

6.       Become More Thoughtful—Sometimes, I get so caught up in my own head that I miss opportunities to do meaningful things for other people…especially my wife.  I need to intentionally think about what would be helpful and pleasing to those around me.

7.       Utilize Humble Leadership—I am in a leadership position as an elder at my church, but to do that effectively, I have to be both ACTIVE and HUMBLE.  I need to influence good movement to accomplish good things, but do it in a way that lifts others up and brings glory to God.

8.       Create “Unplugged” Events—Cell phones, Laptops, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc.  So much of my life is “on-line” or “in-touch” that I find that I don’t relax well anymore.  I need to schedule periods of disconnectedness in order to give my mind a break from all the mess of today’s world.  I need the freedom to think without interruption.

9.       Finish My Novel—I started it a couple of years ago.  The story is nearly complete, but I’ve lost the steam and need to drive it to the finish.

10.   Further Define the Long-Term—Where do I want to be in five years?  I have told people that I want to re-create myself by age 56.  That is five years away.  I need to more fully develop that concept.

That’s probably too many thinks to effectively change all at once, but hopefully I can make some difference, and hopefully the list that I create at this time next year will look a bit different.  What is on your list this year?

Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. My list looks surprisingly like yours--except I am not blessed with a wonderful wife like you are. Your
