Thursday, December 16, 2010

2011 Fitness Challenge-Guidelines

Here they are!  My guidelines for my 2011 Personal Fitness Challenge.  Join me if you dare!

Let me know if you're interested, and I'll send you the mileage tracking sheet that I built in Excel.

2011 Fitness Challenge

GOAL: To complete 2011 miles in the year 2011 by either walking, running, or cycling leading to a significantly more fit body by the end of the year.


1. Only miles completed outdoors count*

2. Exercise bikes and treadmills do not count*

3. All miles must be completed between the beginning of the day on 1/1/2011 and the end of day on 12/31/2011

4. Track miles daily

5. Add other activities to your personal preference and interests—these activities do not contribute to the miles total, but they will, however, contribute to the goal of a more fit body
* An exception to these guidelines can be made for medical conditions that inhibit physical activity under very cold, very hot, or wet weather conditions.


1. Focus on curbing starch/complex carbohydrate intake

     a. Whole grains only

     b. Whole grain cereal okay for breakfast only

     c. Greatly limit bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice intake

2. Eat fish or chicken before beef or pork

     a. Grilled or baked preferred

     b. No breading whenever possible

3. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

4. Be sure to have a protein element in every meal

5. Maintain the regimen Monday through Friday—Weekends are free

6. Drink 64 ounces of water per day

7. Take multi-vitamin and fish oil supplements nightly

8. One snack allowed mid-afternoon

9. No food after 9pm

10. Extra food intake permitted during high-intensity, long-duration periods of physical activity—walking or running more than 5 miles, or cycling more than 20 miles

11. Limit soda intake to 2 per day—1 or less preferred

KICKOFF: A 48-hour fast on January 2nd & 3rd to exert control over eating habits and set the stage for a new direction following the Holidays.

Are you game?

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