Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Two Days in September

Dear readers,
I wrote the following on September 21, 2002...the day after tornados ripped through central Indiana damaging one friend's house and destroying another's.  I lost this little piece of verse for several years because I forgot where I wrote it down, but I found it today as I skimmed through an old journal.  I hope you appreciate the sentiment.

Two Days in September

Imagine two days in mid-September
Forty-eight hours of unbroken time

The first delivers the terror of shattered glass and splintered trees
Blackened skies and the winds of destruction

The second refreshes hope with bright sun and blue skies
Singing birds and the gentle tinkle of a wind chime

Amidst both is the power of God
The Hope of mankind
Those who trust in Him may walk with confidence
Regardless the day

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